Utah dads now required to pay prenatal youngster help

When it comes to paying the cost of conceiving, Utah birth fathers must now share the burden with their pregnant partners. A bill recently passed in Utah aims to increase responsibility for men with children by requiring fathers to pay half of a woman’s pregnancy costs out of their own pocket.

The sponsor of the law, Republican Representative Brady Brammer, introduced the measure to reduce the burden of pregnancy on pregnant women. Utah is the first state to require prenatal child support, though states like Wisconsin and New York have laws that place a father financially responsible for his partner’s pre-natal experiences.

While it is important to reduce the financial burden on pregnant people, the bill has generated some criticism for failing to help more vulnerable pregnant people. Critics also argue that the bill could also make abusive situations more dangerous for pregnant women. According to the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, approximately 324,000 pregnant people are mistreated each year in the United States

Although other states like Wisconsin or New York have policies that may force fathers to provide pregnant people with … https://t.co/HjOraYY2rB

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The bill advocates improving overall pregnancy-related health care by making it affordable and easily accessible so that those who are pregnant do not have to rely on such a measure for support. Expanding Medicaid, gaining access to contraception, and providing paid parental leave are also, for example, ways the government can help make parents expectant.

The governor of Utah, Spencer Cox, recently signed the proposal. MP Brammer said he decided to sponsor the measure to make it easier to bring new life to the world.

“We want to help people and actually be pro-life like we do, as opposed to anti-abortion,” said Brammer. “One way to help with this was to ease the burden of pregnancy.”

The bill would cover a pregnant woman’s health insurance premiums and any pregnancy-related medical expenses. It is also stipulated that if the paternity of the child is controversial, fathers do not have to pay until the paternity has been established. If a pregnant person opts for an abortion, the bill states that fathers are not responsible for the cost of the procedure if it was acquired without their consent – unless the abortion is considered life-saving or unless the pregnancy was Result of rape.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture reports that the average cost of raising a child for a middle-income family is $ 233,610 (excluding college expenses). The cost of an abortion can range from $ 0 to $ 1,000 depending on a person’s health insurance and location, depending on planned parenting.

Gabriella Archuleta, a public policy analyst for YWCA Utah, told NBC News that domestic abuse tends to escalate during pregnancy and helping children before birth could add to the stress of helping a baby financially. Pregnant women in Utah already have the option of financial assistance for pregnancy and childbirth costs, but very few do so because of the cost of legal services.

“At first glance, it sounds like a good idea,” said Archuleta. “But we’re here to look at some of the nuances and how they affect women, and I don’t think those nuances have really been explored to the extent that they should have been.

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