Sheriff provides youngster ID playing cards by way of drive-up appointments at Riverside facility

Parents can schedule a roadside appointment to obtain an Operation Safe Child ID for their child or children at the Riverhead Sheriff’s office at 100 Center Drive, Riverhead Monday through Friday.

After calling (631) 852-3763 to schedule an appointment, parents and children are met at the curb where the photo and fingerprint of each child in the car will be taken. The ID card is created and delivered in less than ten minutes and can be carried in the parents’ wallet or pocket.

Parents can choose to have their child or children’s information digitally stored in the Albany Criminal Justice Department and used in an Amber Alert.

Operation Safe Child was established in July 2005 to ensure that in the event of a missing child, an up-to-date photo, detailed information and fingerprints were available to aid the investigation. The card contains information such as the child’s full name, date of birth, gender, height, weight, hair color, eye color, and more.

For more information and other Suffolk County Sheriff’s community and school programs, please visit their website.

Source: Suffolk County Sheriff’s Office press release

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