5 Tricks to Assist Your Custody Case – Little one Custody Authorized Blogs Posted by Brian E. McKinley

Going through a divorce is not an easy path. One way to make it even more complicated is when kids are involved. Most parents, of course, want the best for their children, but face a conflict when they have to give up some of their precious time with their children due to divorce or custody proceedings. As a result, this can be one of the reasons for a custody battle.

We cannot stress enough that it is one of the most important things a parent can do to keep their children’s well-being in mind. Making sure you have the right attorney can make a huge difference in the outcome of your case. In addition to the correct display, the following tips can also be helpful:

1. Stay away from social media Parents should change their settings in their social media accounts to “private” and refrain from posting on all of these channels. In addition, information, including photos of children, should not be posted online by a parent. One parent can use what they find on the other parent’s social media channels against them during a custody case. For example, a spouse may post about a new relationship or about spending money on something they shouldn’t have. It will be beneficial to keep social channels quiet for a while.

2. Start a journal or two When parents approach a custody case, they should record their commitment to their children in a journal. Parents should also keep track of the time spent with the children, the time the other parent spent with the children, and any other case-relevant information about the children. This can be helpful during a custody case as a parent can try to provide examples of what a parent did or didn’t do during the marriage, and a daily journal can help resolve these confrontations. In addition to keeping a diary describing what you are doing with your children, you may want to keep a diary of your interactions with the other parent. This can include saving text messages, voicemails, and emails from the other parent. It can help if one parent can show how well they are communicating with the other parent.

CONNECTED: Read how to protect your children during a divorce: https://wildermahood.com/how-to-protect-your-children-during-a-divorce/

3. Look at what you are saying in front of your children Regardless of the circumstances, it is important that parents do not speak ill of the other parent in front of their children. While it can be difficult, it can hurt the parents’ case in court and, more importantly, it can harm their children. It is okay for parents to reach out to a trusted family member, friend, or therapist, but they should refrain from reaching out to their children. In addition, they should encourage their children to spend time with the other parent to foster the child’s relationship with the other parent. If the other parent does not pose a threat to the children, a healthy relationship with both parents is beneficial for the children concerned and benefits the child custody case.

4th Hold back on new relationships In this situation, make sure you think about new relationships and their consequences. For example, a parent’s custody case can be damaged if they move in with a new partner or get involved with someone unsuitable for the children to be around. Parents should think about how their children are feeling as they may find it difficult to accept their parents’ separation. While it is important for parents to take care of themselves and have a healthy relationship, this is not the time to drastically change their relationship status.

5. Consider an out-of-court settlement Putting the custody process in the hands of a judge can be extremely stressful as the judge determines the future of parents and their children. Litigation can be inevitable in many situations, but there are also many situations where an amicable solution or settlement can be reached that will result in a positive outcome for all. In addition, billing is less stressful and cheaper.

Custody proceedings are a difficult situation for many parents who are separated or divorced. While it’s not a situation to get yourself into, a custody case can be resolved amicably without extensive litigation, especially if you have an experienced divorce lawyer by your side.

Meet with our lawyers at Wilder Mahood McKinley & Oglesby to thoroughly discuss your situation and review your child support and custody options that will best suit you and your children. To learn more, contact us online at http://wildermahood.com/contact/ or call our law firm at 412-261-4040.

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