What to Know About Hybrid Custody in Arizona

Custody agreements vary from family to family because no two families are the same.

If there is one thing to know about divorce and child custody in Arizona, it’s that it is not black and white. It’s gray and involves a lot of factors and parties. When navigating the child custody process, it’s best to have an experienced family law attorney at your side. These attorneys specialize in handling child custody cases and can help families sort through the legal jargon and communicate back and forth with the court. Fortunately, in Arizona, there are many attorneys available to help families reach a custody agreement that works for everyone involved.

In Arizona, there are a couple of types of custody arrangements, including joint, sole, and hybrid. Joint custody refers to both parents sharing custody of their child(ren) and sole custody refer to one parent having custody of the child(ren). When neither of those options works, courts may decide on a hybrid arrangement. What is a hybrid custody agreement, though? Let’s find out.

Hybrid Custody Examples

Custody agreements vary from family to family because no two families are the same. Depending on the unique situations of a family, a hybrid custody arrangement may be best. A few examples of when such an arrangement might be needed include the following:

  • One parent lives out of state. Even with one parent living out of state due to work or other reasons, they may still have a good relationship with their child(ren) and want to have a say in their bringing up. A hybrid custody agreement makes this possible and would allow both parents to have an equal say in important decisions. Additionally, oftentimes the child(ren) may choose to stay with the out-of-state parent during school breaks. This way, both parents get to spend time with their child(ren).
  • One parent works in a demanding industry, such as medical or as a truck driver. A hybrid arrangement would allow the parent to still have a say in important decisions for the child even if they are unable to physically care for the child.
  • Military deployment. A hybrid arrangement would allow both parents to have a say on important decisions for their children, even if one parent is deployed overseas for military service. It’s important to note, however, that if the deployed parent is unable to be reached in the event of an emergency, the home parent is allowed to be the sole decision maker on behalf of the child(ren).

While hybrid custody arrangements aren’t ideal for every family, it’s important to know the option exists for Arizona families. If you’re going through a divorce and have questions about custody arrangements, contact an Arizona family law attorney today. A skilled family law attorney can help find a custody arrangement that best meets the needs of your family. On top of that, they’ll communicate on your behalf with the courts, your ex-spouse, and any other party involved in the process, so you don’t have to.

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