What Roles Do They Play In A Baby Custody Case?


Custody cases: In many states in the United States, the court hearing a custody case may appoint either an attorney for the child or a guardian to represent the child or children in a contested custody case. The courts may do so at their own discretion, not making an appointment in every case, often depending on the circumstances of the case, the age of the child or children, and the disputes between the parties. There is a distinct difference between the two.

The court may also hire a psychologist or psychiatrist or licensed social worker to review the parties for suitability as parents.

Ultimately, it is up to the judge to decide who is the parent or who has custody that is in the best interests of the child.

Guardianship notification: A curator ad litem is a place of jurisdiction. The curator ad litem essentially works with the judge in charge of the hearing. The curator ad litem speaks directly to the judge. They solicit reports for the judge from teachers, pediatricians, and others in the child’s life. They advise the judge on which custody decision they think is in the best interests of the children, the legal measure for a post-trial custody decision. You can testify as a witness on behalf of the child at the trial.

Child’s lawyer: An attorney for the child is bound by the same rules of evidence and procedural rules that an attorney is bound by both parents. They are also obliged to submit their clients’ wishes to the court. In other words, they usually cannot replace their judgment with the wishes of their customers. You need to tell the court what your client wants, not what you think is in the client’s best interests. You have to represent the interests of your client.

Coroner: The coroner is appointed to present a report to the court addressing any psychological and thought disorders that affect parents’ ability to care for their children. They examine everyone involved and the children through observation and question and answer. However, they usually do not diagnose. The coroner may have to testify in court.

When is a legal representative required? In some jurisdictions, the court appoints only one curator ad litem. That is, if the child’s will really needs to be heard or the court needs to be informed of what has happened during visits, the curator ad litem does not necessarily represent the child’s will in court, but rather what they believe is in the best interests of the child.

When should parents see a lawyer for their child? In cases where the child is the only witness of what happens during the time with a parent and / or the child has a clear idea of ​​who they would like to live with and how much time they would like to spend with each parent is a Advocate for the It is important that the child present the child’s views in court in accordance with what the child allows the attorney to reveal. The child’s lawyer, like any other lawyer, is bound to the confidentiality of his client.

In cases where one parent believes the child is being estranged from them by the other parent and the child is bound to the other parent at the time of the dispute, an attorney will not be helpful to the child as they are Another voice added is the parent accused of alienation. A forensic psychologist can help identify the alienation as such and include it on their report. The destruction of a child’s natural attachment and love for parents can be tantamount to child abuse, but only a psychological professional can make this decision as it is the result of psychological care or pressure.

When is forensics necessary? A coroner is not required in every case. The prerequisite for the appointment of a forensic doctor is that a forensic examiner is required for the appointment by the court or even in the case of addiction problems, allegations of domestic violence, allegations of parental alienation, allegations about mental illnesses, personality disorders.

What should you do about your custody case? Investigate your case and determine what a court needs to know. What are the custody problems? Is it a personality disorder like narcissism? Is it parental alienation or domestic violence like coercion and control? What experiences do the children have when they are with the other parent?

Find out about the laws of your own state regarding the appointment of a guardian ad litem or attorney for the child or a forensic investigator and their role in the judicial system. After that, you can determine which professional is most likely to help you take your case to court so the judge can make a truly informed custody decision.

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