The variety of migrant kids in Border Patrol custody is down considerably.

The Biden government is beginning to see results in its efforts to adequately house migrant children flooded to the southwestern border, with a fraction of the number of children in customs and border custody than a month ago.

Last month, the number of migrant children in Border Patrol’s prison-like facilities fell 83 percent from 5,767 on March 29 to 954 on Thursday, according to government statistics. The length of time children spend in border protection areas has also decreased from an average of 133 to 28 hours. According to the law, children are not allowed to stay in border guards for more than 72 hours.

The improvements are partly due to an increase in the number of facilities monitored by the Department of Health and Human Services, where children can be accommodated in better living conditions.

In addition, more and more children are being released, mostly to live with a relative.

The number of migrant children arriving at the southern border alone has fallen by a much smaller amount from 626 on March 29 to 525 a month later, according to an official who was briefed on the data.

While the number of migrants at the border increases each spring, the increase this year has been much higher than normal.

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