Pondering About Divorce? 28 Questions To Assist You Determine

People contemplating a divorce may think that it will solve a difficult problem and eventually make them happier. And sometimes it does. However, studies have shown that most adults are no happier with divorce. Studies have also shown that divorce does not lead to a better life, better relationships in the future, and that an overwhelming 50% of those who divorce later regret the decision.

If you are contemplating a divorce, do yourself a favor and make sure your head is in the right place before moving on. I’ve compiled a list of questions that anyone considering divorce should answer. Questions to help clear any doubts about whether to move on in your relationship or try again before pulling the plug.

28 questions for those contemplating divorce:

  1. Do you feel love for your spouse?
  2. Do you feel love from your spouse?
  3. Do you feel safe, emotionally, and physically safe with your spouse today?
  4. Do you feel respected by your spouse?
  5. Has Your Spouse Ever Cheated on You?
  6. 6 Have you ever cheated on your spouse?
  7. Are you and your partner loyal to each other now?
  8. Has your spouse committed financial infidelity? (Spending money you don’t know about)
  9. Have you committed financial infidelity? (Hides your spouse’s spending habits)
  10. Has your partner threatened or physically harmed you in the past?
  11. Have you threatened or caused physical harm to your spouse in the past?
  12. Do you and your spouse argue in front of your children?
  13. Are the Problems in Your Marriage Affecting Your Children?
  14. Do you feel like your children are safe with your spouse?
  15. Don’t you like your spouse as a person?
  16. Do you feel that your spouse doesn’t like you as a person?
  17. Are you happier when your spouse is not around?
  18. Are you physically attracted to your spouse?
  19. Is your spouse physically attracted to you?
  20. Have you tried everything in your power to save your marriage (advice, communication about the problems)?
  21. Did your spouse actively try to resolve the marital problems?
  22. Have you seriously thought about the consequences for your children if you get divorced?
  23. Can you live alone and take care of yourself financially?
  24. Divorce affects everyone from family to friends. Have you thought about the effects of divorce?
  25. Can you live with the idea of ​​not having so much time with your kids? Most courts give 50/50 or joint custody. Are you on board when you see your kids part-time?
  26. What if you never get married again? Do you agree with the idea of ​​spending the rest of your life alone?
  27. How do you feel when you picture your daily life without your spouse?
  28. Are you emotionally and financially ready to go through the divorce process?

The questions above concern what I believe are issues that anyone considering divorce should consider. After you’ve answered the questions, there are more questions.

Are you still considering a divorce?

Have you reconsidered

Did any of the questions make you pause and think twice?

If you pause and think twice because of any of the above questions, it is not time to get a divorce. Not sure if it is time to step off the fence when it comes to problems in your marriage. If you span that fence long enough, you will end up in divorce court. At this point, you have a choice between moving the relationship forward as it is or seeking help in improving your marital problems.

Nobody should make a hasty decision about a divorce. I would not wish anyone a divorce, nor would I wish for lifelong unhappiness in a less than satisfactory marriage. Based on your response to the above answers, you should know whether or not divorce is the step you should take.

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