Man accused of killing Mt. Nice-area baby in custody

MT. PLEASANT, Michigan (WOOD) – A man accused of killing a 13-year-old girl near the mountain. According to the state police, Pleasant Sunday is now in custody.

Michigan State Police said Isaiah “Zeke” Gary Gardenhire, 40, was taken into custody early Tuesday morning without incident. No further information about the arrest was released.

Authorities were Looking for garden rental since Sundaysaid he had a 13-year-old girl at a house on South Isabella Road in Union Township near Mt. Pleasant around 3:15 am. He is also accused of sexually abusing an adult woman in the same house.

He is expected to be charged with open murder and first-degree criminal sexual behavior with a gun, MSP said Monday.

Court records show Gardenhire is currently charged with second degree CSC with a Mason County victim under the age of 13. It should have happened in 2015. Gardenhire should be on trial again on Wednesday in this case. This case is not believed to be related to the Sunday crimes.

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