Man accused of attacking lady on Marlborough rail path in custody, police say

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Woman accuses man of touching her during exercise

A woman puts a stranger in the air after capturing the moment he allegedly touched her without consent while she was exercising. The 22-year-old TikTok user @fernvillaceran, who likes Fern, was shooting a video of a training session for TikTok when her camera also detected an unexpected interaction. Towards the end of TikTok, which has now garnered nearly 4 million views, a man walks into the camera view and behind Fern and appears to be touching them inappropriately. This video comes along with a number of other TikToks that expose men as “creepy”. “Please know what to do,” she said. “[He’s] Always does that. “Then Fern has tagged #gymstaff, which implies that she thinks the man in the video is actually working at the gym.” Please know what to do, “she said.[He’s] always do this. “Fern then hashtagged #gymstaff, which means she thinks the man in the video is actually working out at the gym.” That’s not okay, “wrote one commenter, according to a poll by BarBend. com, a popular 75% of women surveyed said they were harassed or verbally abused while exercising in public, and three out of five women surveyed also added that they changed their gyms or exercise plans to avoid harassment

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