Ludington man ordered to pay practically $20,000 in overdue little one help | Information

A Ludington man who owes nearly $ 20,000 in child support was sentenced to pay the money due and suspended in the 51st Circuit Court on Tuesday.

Daniel Lee Weaver, 33, 3615 N. Stiles Road, was ordered to pay $ 19,193.34 to the Friend of the Mason County Court. He is currently paying more than $ 400 a month in child support and Judge Susan Sniegowski ordered that an additional $ 50 be added to pay out the overdue amount.

The judge suspended him for three years and sentenced him to 12 months in prison, with one day’s notice to be served and one day already served. The remainder of the time will be served at the discretion of the court.

Weaver pleaded guilty on December 8, 2020 and was indicted by the Michigan Attorney General’s Child Support Office in May. The case was referred to her by the local friend of the court. The Child Benefit Department tracks cases where more than $ 5,000 in child benefit is owed.

Tracie McCarn-Dinehart asked the judge to go along with the settlement she thought was fair.

“My client is working to get this under control,” said McCarn-Dinehart. “He works and has an income-denying order. He’s working on selling some things and has $ 1,600 to pay for the arrears today. He’s had some emergencies that he had to pay for, but he worked really hard to get things right. “

Prosecutor Sarah Brenner moved to put him on probation for five years instead of three years.

Judge Sniegowski said that, given Weaver’s records and the circumstances of the case, she thought the three years probation was fair. He was sentenced to pay fines, costs, and other court fees of $ 668.

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