Joie Chavis Says She Doesn’t Get Youngster Help From Bow Wow Or Future

MadameNoire Selected Video

Source: Joie Chavis YouTube / Joie Chavis YouTube

Dancer and fitness expert Joie Chavis made it clear that she didn’t need the famous fathers of her two children (rappers Bow Wow and Future) to make it into this world. She said she had been working since she was young. Even so, there is a lot of judgment about her and what motivated her not just to date two men in the industry, but to breed. People naturally assumed that money had to be part of the equation. While she may not have survived with the Bow Wow and Hendrix allowance, the court systems certainly made it worthwhile to be mother to her children, daughter Shai and son Hendrix.

But once again, Chavis, who rarely does any kind of press, sat down for a question-and-answer session on her YouTube channel to address the assumptions often made about her.

In response to an assumption that was simply, “You are a gold digger,” Chavis said:

“I feel like a lot of people are saying that. I’m not. If that’s the case, I’d date anyone who tried to talk to me for money. Not me and I’m not a gold digger. I’ve worked since I was 15. I take care of my children. I don’t get child benefit. Repeat that, I am not getting child benefit. I don’t really have to ask about specific things for my children because I can do them myself. If your father wants to do things for you, do it in your own time. If you want to say, “Here’s some money for this or that,” then whatever. But I’m not really asking for anything. I can do everything by myself. “

You can see Chavis say this at 2:13 pm in the video below.

It’s great that Chavis can take care of her children herself. But she really shouldn’t have to. And I wonder if what Future and Bow Wow are contributing matches what she is using in raising her son and daughter.

Receiving child support from the person who helped bring a child into this world is not the mark of a gold digger or user. It is someone who wants to make sure their child is looked after. Chavis certainly makes her own money. But I doubt it’s anywhere near Bow Wow and Future … or at least Future. And there is no reason why the children she shares with both men should not live the lifestyle their fathers can afford … all the time, not just when they are around their fathers.

Of course, people had a lot to say about this revelation – in both positive and negative ways. Check out some of their thoughts below.

What do you think of Chavis’ statement?

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