Jesse Williams Desires To Minimize $40Ok Youngster Assist Funds

He also pointed out that Drake-Lee has an Ivy League degree and previously made six figures while working as a real estate broker, and that the child support order was based on his former Grey’s salary, which was $6.2 million at the time plus an additional $183k for residuals.

Now, he’s working on multiple Broadway projects, putting his salary at $660k per year. He is currently in New York working on the show show Take Me Out, where he reportedly only makes $1,668 per week.

“My current income is far from sufficient to maintain a $40,000 per month child support number, especially since I pay one-half of the children’s private school tuition, the children’s extracurricular activities, medical care, and all of their expenses when they are with me including child-care and my own expenses,” the docs continued.

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