‘It actually opened my eyes’: Household donates blood to help baby with leukemia

COLUMBUS – When six-year-old Eden Jackson’s six-year-old sister was diagnosed with leukemia and needed two blood transfusions, Eden quickly realized the importance of donating.

“It really opened my eyes to people so close to home who might need blood,” said Eden Jackson.

As an employee of the assisted living facility Meridian Gardens, Eden took the inspiration as an opportunity to change something with a blood donation campaign. Her father was one of the first to sign up.

“I’m here to donate blood, I haven’t done it in a long time, but my daughter was given multiple units after she was diagnosed with leukemia and I realized I had better start,” said Jesse Jackson.

And the need for blood donations in Columbus is growing exponentially.

“Post-Covid surgeries have been delayed – you can’t do them because of the lack of blood. And there are more accidents with people traveling, ”said Senior Living Counselor Miki Naylor.

Kyle Jansen of the Red Cross says nationwide we’re seeing a lack of blood. The problem is so great that some hospitals are being forced to postpone treatments.

“When it comes to Columbus, there is always a constant need […] They say it needed around 75,000 units more than expected in the past three months. There is definitely an emergency, “said Jansen, account manager for the American Red Cross. He said every donation makes a difference, and in the face of worsening shortages, blood drives are vital.

The shortage is expected to increase with accidents over the holiday weekend.

You can find donation pages here: https://www.redcross.org/give-blood.html

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