How Seniors Can Increase Their Self-Esteem After Late-Life Divorce

Regaining your trust late in life after a divorce can be a challenge. But if you make an effort to look your best, celebrate the wonderful things about you, and take the time to learn something new, you will find that you are worthy of love and respect and you will come out better and stronger than ever before.

A person’s self-esteem can take a massive blow after a divorce, and seniors may feel even more powerless or helpless after their marriage is officially ended. Older adults are at risk of developing depression and anxiety after a gray divorce. As you get older, you often lose confidence as your body and face get older due to life changing events like health problems, retirement, or a breakup with a long-term partner. One study has shown that a person’s self-confidence tends to decline after the age of 60 and can drop even more after a relationship with a loved one has ended. Increasing your self-esteem after a divorce late in life is essential so that you can continue to live your best life. In addition, it is important to make sure that you can rest assured that you are making decisions that are best for you. Here’s how to regain your confidence after a gray divorce.

How To Build Your Self-Esteem After A Divorce Late In Life

Be proud of your appearance

There is a saying that says that when you look good, you feel good. So make an effort to look your best every day. Get a haircut or facial to treat yourself. Even a smile makeover to deal with stained teeth can do wonders for your confidence. Instead of wearing pajamas or sweatpants all day, get dressed, and wear a little makeup when you’re feeling good, perhaps jewelry to add some sparkle to your look. Even if you only talk to loved ones on Zoom all day, you should take care of yourself and dress properly before turning on the camera.

Learn something new

It is a common misconception that older people cannot learn new skills. Learning something new after your divorce can reinvent yourself as you find your way through this new phase of your life. It can also allow you to make new friends, especially when choosing activities that will help you become more social. Learning how to play a musical instrument, master a new language, or gardening can help you feel like you have achieved something and boost your confidence after a gray divorce.

Celebrate the great things about yourself

When you divorce late, it can be difficult to consider yourself gracious, caring, or even admiring. Most seniors struggle to celebrate the great things about themselves. So take the time to sit down and think about all of the things that make you such a wonderful person. Maybe you are a good listener or you have always been an accomplished cook. Perhaps you’ve always been praised for being a great nurse or provider. Or maybe people just love being around and talking to you. Start to realize how great you are the next time you begin to have self-doubt, and eventually you will discover more reasons to love yourself.

Regaining your trust late in life after a divorce can be a challenge. But if you make an effort to look your best, celebrate the wonderful things about you, and take the time to learn something new, you will find that you are worthy of love and respect and you will come out better and stronger than ever before.

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