Henrico couple’s tumultuous relationship endures demise of kid however ends in slaying | Crime Information

Inge successfully applied for temporary protection orders three times – twice in 2020 and once in 2012 – instructing Thurston not to have contact with Inge. The longest duration of these court decisions was three days.

In August 2020, Thurston did not advocate violating any of the protection orders twice – six other violations were dropped. According to the records, he was ordered to spend two days in prison, one for each count.

On two occasions, both in late 2019, Thurston requested protection warrants against Inge for alleged attacks. All criminal charges against her were later dropped, but one of the emergency protection orders lasted five days over the Christmas break that year.

A Henrico prosecutor’s comments on Thurston’s court files found that 11 cases involving charges of assault, strangulation and breach of protection warrants were dropped between July 2018 and May 2020.

Since June 2020, Henrico police have reacted 11 times to the house on Holland Street. According to the police, six of these service inquiries related to Germany. The penultimate visit from officials was in response to Inge’s death on February 12th. One day later came a final appeal for a “suspicious situation”.

The couple married around 2018. In a criminal complaint dated February 16, 2020, Inge informed a Henrico official that they had been married for two years. But the couple had been together a lot longer. They had three children: Chloe, 7, Isaiah, 6 and Mikayla, 2 when she died in 2014.

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