Gov. Reynolds pronounces extra assist for youngster care suppliers by means of a number of packages

DES MOINES, Iowa (KWWL) – On 6/23/2021, Gov. Reynolds announced more suuport for child care providers across the state of Iowa.

The supported programs include increased Child Care Assistance (CCA) rates, stipends for COVID-19 recovery efforts and programs encouraging educational opportunities for providers.

“Access to affordable child care is critical to Iowa’s sustained economic recovery from COVID-19. Keeping child care open during the COVID-19 pandemic was a central component to our targeted and balanced approach, and now through the Child Care Task Force we are working to ensure that quality child care remains available for working families across the state. As the Task Force continues its important work, we are announcing today interim steps to support our child care providers, and in turn, the children and families they serve.”  

Gov. Kim Reynolds

The State of Iowa Department of Human Services (DHS) will be expanding T.E.A.C.H. and Child Care WAGE$ program statewide through Fiscal Year 2022.

T.E.A.C.H. (Teacher Education and Compensation Helps) is a comprehensive scholarship program that provides the early childhood workforce access to educational opportunities.

WAGE$ offers stipends to the early care and education workforce, based on the individual’s level of formal education and commitment to their program. 

DHS also announcing they will continue their payment of COVID-19 monthly stipends to providers until the end of August.

Black Hawk County YMCA CEO, Angie Widner says the stipends helped their budget nearly break even.

“We were demonstrating a loss come August, and at the bottom of the page we had if the DHS supplements continue then that brings us more to an even place. We were really happy about that news because it changes our financial position a lot,” Widner said.

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