Ellie Yarrow-Sanders: Basildon mum wins custody battle for son

A mother who fled the country with her son during a custody battle won the battle for his life with her and will tell her story on television.

Ellie Yarrow-Sanders, of Basildon, will speak on a Channel 4 show for the first time since receiving custody earlier this year.

In 2018, Miss Yarrow-Sanders disappeared in the middle of a Supreme Court hearing about custody of her three-year-old son.

Her disappearance prompted the judge to lift registration restrictions on the case and appeal on social media to come home.

Eight months after her disappearance, Miss Yarrow-Sanders returned and the case was reopened privately.

After a 16-month dispute in family court – which for legal reasons cannot be further explained – Judge Williams ruled that her now six-year-old son can live with her and spend time with his father.

Speaking to the Channel 4 Dispatches, Miss Yarrow-Sanders shared how her actions came out of “Desperation.”

In response to criticism of her for leaving the country, Miss Yarrow-Sanders said she wanted “transparency” in the courts.

She said, “It was really just desperation. A lawyer I represented said, “ If we don’t and can’t agree, there will be a nursing case and you will lose it.

“At that time I really believed that he would be kidnapped – and that was the end of my rational thinking, I would say.”

The search for Miss Yarrow-Sanders lasted five months privately from July to December 2018, but on a public appeal the judge made her son the ward of the court.

Papa, Patrick Sheridan encouraged her to return home and trust the trial.

Miss Yarrow-Sanders added, “I have no objection to my evidence being shown to the world. Children google themselves, don’t they? Children google people they know. They google my name and i’m a kid kidnapper. Why shouldn’t I be allowed to set the record right? The overwhelming obstacle is the lack of transparency. ”

Dispatches: Torn: Family courts uncovered at 10 p.m. tonight.

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