Doosan groups with Pharos Parenting to assist youngster abuse prevention | Native Information

It was shared that “there is no single cause of child abuse, but rather many forces working together to affect the family including, but not limited to, trauma, poor mental health, poverty and unrealistic expectations for the child’s development. At Pharos, they help families navigate these influences and equip them with the skills to be effective parents.

“Many of our children have experienced some form of trauma and stress that affects their ability to learn and socialize,” said Fowler. “Children spend hours in school and often stay in extracurricular programs. Their ability to regulate emotions and behaviors is severely limited at the end of the school day, so that program staff are faced with the challenge of creating a calm environment. “

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Pharos Parenting is running a workshop called Stressed Kids Stress Programs, which, according to Fowler, “aims to help employees identify symptoms of childhood trauma, understand how toxic stress and healing work, and share behavioral management strategies to help children self-regulate to facilitate. “

This program, she said, “is for everyone who looks after or teaches children, including those working on after-school programs, day-care or preschool programs, teachers, etc.”

As a participant in the Love United Iredell campaign, Pharos Parenting aims to raise funds for the Love United Iredell project, which “trains the staff of three community after-school programs to identify trauma, understand behaviors, and manage them appropriately , You noticed.

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