Decide Awards Full Custody Of James Youthful To Mom Who Needs To Transition Him

A judge in Texas has given his mother full custody of a nine-year-old boy who has tried to force the child to become transgender in recent years, despite protests from the boy’s father.

Anne Georgulas, a pediatrician in Coppell, Texas, was given full custody of her son James Younger Tuesday by Democratic Judge Mary Brown. Georgulas takes full responsibility for the boy’s medication, after-school activities, education, primary residence, and counseling. The ruling also allows the mother to withhold information about Younger’s “… extracurricular activities, school functions, schooling, counseling and medical care” from father Jeff Younger.

Georgulas and her ex-husband argued in public about the gender of their son. Georgulas refers to James as “Luna” and believes that the biological boy is a woman. Younger disagrees, saying that James chose to present himself as a boy in his home, despite keeping feminine clothing as an option in his son’s closet.

The Save James Facebook page, which has dwarfed nearly 39,000 people since it was launched years ago, condemned the memorandum last Wednesday.

“Judge Mary Brown ruled against the safety and protection of James and Jude,” the site wrote. “Supervised visit to her own father at Jeff’s expense. As of today, no communication with your beloved papa! Dr. Fletcher’s dishonest report prompted Anne to file a preliminary injunction from Ex Parte to prevent Jeff from seeing or even speaking to his sons. The child molesters say James and Jude are scared of Jeff! PRAY!”

While Georgulas was granted custody, there are restrictions. Although she is granted consent to medical procedures, hormone suppression therapies, puberty blockers, and “conversion surgery” or sex mutilation do not come under this umbrella. The mother argues that her son has expressed a wish to be named Luna, but Jeff claims to have footage that refutes that claim.

“The previous orders that Ms. Georgulas must inform Mr. Younger about doctor, counseling or psychiatric appointments or extracurricular activities for the children are canceled,” says the court document. “In order to ensure the emotional well-being and physical safety of the children, the court orders that all possession times of Mr. Younger be continuously monitored by the forensic counseling center. … at the sole expense and expense of Mr. Younger. “

In a hearing a month ago, Georgulas alleged that her son’s gender was not the leading cause of the custody case. She accused Jeff of poor “parenting skills,” which apparently succeeded, as the court found that Jeff “failed to make child support, medical assistance, and interest payments on time as directed and did not pay his overdue assistance until after filing the motion has been filed for enforcement “. . “

However, Jeff’s attorney argued that the Georgulas team is trying to “downplay” the importance of the trans issue.

“To downplay that, only for the gender issue, is absolutely misleading and wrong,” said lawyer David Hanschen. “In this case, it is only about the gender issue. And it’s about the parents’ ability to deal with this situation. “

A jury in Dallas ruled 11-1 in October 2019 not to grant Jeff the sole conservatory role for James and his brother. Georgulas then filed a motion in court to try to authorize her ex-husband to refer to her son as a woman. The Republicans in Texas introduced a measure to ban child sexual mutilation in May, but it failed and was not envisaged in the House of Representatives.

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